I worked on the Donner Memorial State Park Visitor Center exhibit space as part of the creative team at Formations Inc.
It was a our job to bring the exhibit designer’s ideas to life under the supervision of a creative director.
On this page, I've sought to highlight areas where I had a significant impact on the layout and design of the interpretive panels.
A strong, cohesive visual style helps guide visitors through the story of the Donner Party.
This interactive panel contrasts two possible route through the mountains.
As the focus of the story changes, the look of the exhibit changes. This area tells the story of how The Transcontinental Railroad was devised and built.
A huge workforce was recruited from China. This area tells their harrowing story.
The surrounding area continued to develop over time; the advent of the automobile only accelerated this change.
The team recreated what an historic motel office may have looked like while it was operational.
Even as the country modernized, the rugged terrain presented a huge challenge to travel in the area.
This area highlights how much things have changed since the days of the Donner tragedy. Instead of a covered wagon, visitors are able to access the State Park in the comfort of their own car.
This giant banner features a historic photo of the Donner Memorial that can be seen through that window to the right.
An outdoor reader rail that tells the story of how the impressive monument was made.