
Pedal Puddle


Pedal Puddle

A mobile application concept designed to help bike commuters easily plan for the weather on their rides.

The main focus of the app is to give clear, pertinent information at a glance so the user can easily determine and adjust for the weather. This is done via intuitive color-coding and weather “grades” for every commute. The idea is that a user can immediately see how nice the weather will be overall, based on the letter grade, while the colors and background images suggest more specifics about temperature, precipitation, etc.

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The first screen above shows upcoming commutes, as well as quick recommendations for how to prepare for those rides. The middle screen gives you an overview of what the coming week will be like. Tapping on any commute will provide a detailed weather forecast for that commute time.


Obviously, customizing forecasts to specific commute routes and times is a key feature of Pedal Puddle. But is also important that the grading system and recommendations reflect the users personal preferences. For example, some commuters don’t mind hot weather, but refuse to ride in the cold; while other rider are just the opposite.

So the onboarding process not only allows users to input their commute schedule and import their route; it also allows them to customize which weather factors are important to them. These preferences directly impact the grades shown throughout the app.